Thursday, May 24, 2012

Real World Time

So, now that I'm all caught up on what I've been up to since my solitary 2010 entry, here we go "for realz".

Back in 2010, I truly thought I would post weekly or monthly updates here. Not so! After a while of brutal neglect of this blog, my sister kindly reminded me that writing a blog does actually help the creative process. The reminder was quite public. You can check out her gentle and humorous nudge here: I'll Love You More if You Blog

When I read the post (mind you, she ran the post by me prior to posting, since she's responsible like that!), I laughed and then thought "Who has time for that?! I'm a new mom and I'm barely finding time to write anyway!" Of course, we make time for things that are important. And ever since I picked up a pen when I was 11 and began writing an atrociously plagiarized fantasy novel, I have loved writing. Deb and I, ever the duo, even came up with pen names at the time. I was "Raven (R.T.) Sangstrom" and she would be "Sarro Sangstrom" - these were also the pseudonyms we used for each other in an alternate universe we created for our then-Emo selves. Ah, those were the days! When dreams were as real as anything tangible!

I never did finish that novel. I got really close - almost as close as I am to finishing Waking Dreams, actually - but I lost steam. Mostly because I made a huge mistake. When I was twelve, I looked over the 130 painstakingly handwritten pages and realized that it was entirely rubbish. Wholly unoriginal. My little brother had read the whole thing and loved it, but he was only 9. Actually, he was really ticked off and threatened to burn or tear the pages of my book if I didn't finish it. Luckily, he wasn't nearly half the terror he pretended to be. He only hid the pages, he didn't destroy them. Kind of like he hid my "Best of the 70s" tape rather then destroying it when I listened to "How Do You Do" and "Brand New Key" too many times.

Anyway, that's a little background into why, after all this time, I am back into the world of blogging! If you find this blog wretched, you now know who to blame: my sis, TMiYC. Go to her blog and tell her I suck. (Not because I want you to deal with the wrath of my older sister. Nope. Not at all. Ok, maybe a little. I dare you.) If you like the blog, then it's all me. 100%. I can be silly, I can be serious, and I do rather enjoy the nonsensical, so be warned.

Most of all, whatever your feelings, thanks for reading.

Love and Peace!

-The Rambler


  1. I am more than certain you will be a refreshing voice. Welcome back, congratulations on new motherhood. Did your sister tell you not to tie yourself to a schedule? I hope so.

    1. Thanks, valentinelogar! I think she has warned me about tying myself to a schedule, so I have decided to post when the mood hits me. :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. I agree with the above .. don't stress yourself with a schedule. :-)

    Oh, and I agree with your brother .. but if you made ME listen to "Brand New Key" one too many times I'd probably go with the destruction option.

    And also .. I'm glad Deb gave you that little push, even if it wasn't necessarily what got you going again.

    1. Thank you, s-a-h-mother! My husband also agreed with my brother about the "Brand New Key" torment. He would have destroyed the tape!

      As for Deb's push, I think it definitely gave me the incentive to get back into blogging. It certainly helped me see blogging as a positive thing to do, rather than feeling like it was yet another obligation in a long list of those yet-to-be-done obligations! Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
