Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ten Years and some change

So my husband and I just celebrated our tenth anniversary. It was the most fun we've had in quite some time. We ate, we drank, we walked by the beach and marveled at how far we've come.

All in all, the last ten years have been nothing short of amazing. My love for my husband has grown over the years - I have seen him emerge from his teenage years into a responsible, caring, silly man. And now, seeing him with our daughter and pursuing his dream to be a doctor? Well, that love has become even more intense. He can still make me laugh, even as he drives me insane.

Still Guilty of PDAs after 10 Years

On a completely different note, my own life seems to have gotten a bit off track.

I am not really a medievalist anymore. I like to say I am, but I don't live, breathe, and eat the medieval world and literature any more. I am not reciting Old English to begrudging college students like I once imagined I would be doing at this stage in my life. My dreams of being a writer are, well, active, sure, but I am not being paid to write (not yet, at least).

What happened? Where did that spark, the love of all things old and medieval go? Nowhere. It's still here. It all comes down to money - I don't have it!

Then, these last few weeks, well, I've just been feeling tired. Not a type of tired that sleeping will cure. It's been a bone-tired, stretched-too-thin exhaustion, that has made me feel close to breaking. Is it pushing myself to read and write, being a mom, and working full time, and just feeling like I'm not quite doing anything justice? Is it fear of what may come, what might not come, and the failure that now is so much closer?

Perhaps. Or, maybe it's that I feel like I'm spending a lot of time on things that don't really matter. I'm watching my daughter grow up and I feel like I'm missing it. I get back from work and I am too wiped out to write, recently, or do much of anything.

Maybe it's just that I truly needed this vacation. Vacations are good for the soul after all, and this one certainly has been. It's let me get back in touch with me, not the tired, frazzled, cranky person I felt I've become become. I feel like I need to let myself become more grounded and centered again. I need to find that focus on the positive in life, rather than how short I am falling from where I want to be. Or stressed by those things outside of my control.

All in all, I'm feeling a lot more at peace, thanks to a vacation and visiting family. I have a lot of self-discovery and struggling to do, but that's okay. I'll figure it out. Or I won't. And that'll be okay, too.



  1. Love you, BLS. Love your conclusion. There's no guarantee for any particular end result, so it's best to enjoy the little moments as they come. (Easier said than done, but JOT helps me enormously on this front.)

    I enjoyed so many little moments this weekend. My heart was eased just knowing you were nearby, even when you guys were sleeping. Even though you're not here physically, I feel you in this space, and that does wonders for my heart.

    Because it bears repeating, I LOVE YOU.

    1. I love you, too! Thank you so much for having us! And for listening to me rant about my frustrations, in the midst of all you have going on! My main regret (other than Disneyland not happening) is that you and I did not get to go boutiquing! Sadness! I wanted to see you try on a bunch of dresses and see your face light up...

      I love you. <3
