Sunday, July 22, 2012


Thank you everyone who read and commented on my last blog. It was very difficult to post (somehow, it was easier to write than I would have thought... It was pressing the "Publish" button that was the hard part...That part took a few days...but I am so grateful I did). Each response, both online and off, touched me. I continue to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and hope that there are others out there who were hurt, but, like me, are finding not only their footing but also their voice.

There are so many things that amaze me in life, but the human capacity for kindness is one of the many things that continues to give me hope. To have such kindness, even from people who do not know me, well... It blew me away. And the love from the people who do know me? There are a couple of people out there whom I have to mention. I will simply call them the "Darths." They continue to inspire me with their kindness, genuineness, compassion, and love. They are not your average fair-weather friends. They are (and really, since I met them, have always been) family. There's that quote that says "Friends are the family you choose for yourself", and it's true with this couple and their family. I hope everyone can have Darths in their life - the people who may breeze in and out for a whirlwind visit, but leave you with a smile on your face and lighter feeling in your soul. People who have so much love to give, that it ripples out and touches everyone they meet. They take the time to say the things that friends so often leave unsaid. And that touches us all the more. Their response brought tears to my eyes, and made me feel so loved - well, I had to write about it! If they read this, they'll know who they are. Darths? You inspire me. I will be happy in life if I can be half the parents you are and a quarter of the friends you have proven yourselves to be. Thank you for being in my life!

Also, I have to apologize if my response to comments seemed unoriginal.  I felt like a little bit of a broken record - I was just speechless and touched. I will continue writing and the response made me all the more committed to writing a memoir for my mom with my sister. 

There is one comment that sadly, while fighting a fever, I tried to hit "publish" on my cell phone, and my big fingers hit "delete" rather than publish. So cosleepwalking? If you don't mind re-commenting, I would love to post your comment! I tried to retrieve your message, to no avail. I can copy it from my email and publish it with a link that it's from you, but I didn't want to do that without your permission. Thank you so much for sharing. As my mom taught me - no matter how dark the tunnel gets, or how long it feels, there is always light at the end of it. For her, that light was us kids. 

Thank you so much to everyone out there for your positive comments and feedback. Each one of you are an inspiration and have made me feel so grateful to have decided to join the online community.

An eternally grateful Rambler

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